Design Fiction Sequence

Design fictions are imagined tangible prototypes from the future. These can be narratives, news items, physical objects. 

They are stories about possible worlds that are told through designed artefacts.

Design fiction is like an archeology for the future. They capture potentially huge or inspiring shifts in technology and society in ordinary mundane things. 

They’re fun to make, and fun to imagine. They’re less dry and less impersonal than trend-work and strategy-making. Design fiction prototypes allow the abstract to become real. In doing so, it allows for a deeper examination of that possible future. Is this a preferable future? What should we do between now and then to ensure that future does or does not happen?

Design Fiction: Biophilia Futures ran as a newsletter in 2023; each issue offering a glimpse into a possible future. These fictions focus on futures that bend towards Biophilia - the human tendency to be drawn towards life and life-like processes. 


Progress & Possibilities Sequence


UX of AI Sequence