Ways of Exploring II

Selecting stepping stones is the path to future ideas.

Building on the compasses proposed by Stanley and Lehman, I propose four of my own.

Energy-giving. We are energy-harvesting phenomena. This is true at an evolutionary level and at a societal one. More importantly, it is true perceptually. We like the feeling of having energy and are subtly drawn to the things that give it to us.

There's a practical side to this; energy-giving is a good measure of creator-idea fit. The 'energy' that we feel is a signal that there is something about this idea that is resonant, inspiring. It is breathing energy into us, making us want to act, explore and tinker. Tactically, action creates more action. Stepping stones in practice aren't fixed things. We are more likely to uncover the next stepping stones through action and action requires energy. Use these pockets of energy, these momentum stepping stones to propel you forward, ad infinitum.

Narrative Quality. Agency is under-rated. We desire to be the main-character. We like to articulate our own lives. The narrative arc we are stumbling through is powerful, momentum-giving stuff. Breathing meaning into our decisions; elevating them beyond mere cold, empty atomic interactions in space-time. What stepping stone has narrative quality - that adds to your own adventure, making it bigger, more resonant, more captivating.

If the stepping stones you seek are rock-solid truth in a scientific sense, this may be a poor compass. But for other domains, 'what makes for the better story', is a pathway worth following. In Ireland, an artefact of the Celtic story-telling tradition has left this etched on the psyches of many - "I did it for the story".

Other-worldliness. These are the things that are beautifully strange. That speak to us from beyond the veil. As if from another planet, dimension or deity. This other-worldliness sits in the idea-space beside awe. Surfing wonder to wonder, is a life well-lived. It holds clues to our profound creativity and curiosity. And will lead to paths even more other-worldly still.

Deep links to the past. We were not born yesterday. We stand at the end of vast, intricate sequences of events, situations, ecosystems and decisions about which we know very, very little. And yet in these winding infinite pathways into our deepest past somethings remain constant. Some things hold true. Some things have stood the test of time. Stepping stones that have this quality engrained within, that have those etched upon them branch to stones that continue this quality. They are likely to be Lindy themselves. We not only seek novelty. But novelty that lasts.

Choose your compass.


David Deutsch on Possibility in Science


Ways of Exploring