Tiny Bets

Two concepts bubble to the surface of the digital zeitgeist.

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Small. The smallest possible thing. The tiniest viability.

Small, in service of removing frictions to creation.

Small, in favour of immediately making.

Small, an act of confidence-building. A salve for self-consciousness.

Tiny as smaller still.

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Bets. A little gamble. Belief exchanged for money.

Bets. A slice of skin in the game.

Bets. Money in place of mouth. But not too much to ruin.

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Tiny Bets are a series of minuscule gambles on creativity.

I will be making one tiny bet a week for the next 12 weeks. Each tiny bet, a diminutive act of creation that adds to the world of things. Filling some miniature gap in the tapestry of needs.

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The first of these will be 500 Whys, a very short book on Purpose Statements. My beliefs:

  1. Purpose statements are deeply valuable. They help us navigate, motivate and filter out the noise. 

  2. Putting an imperfect purpose into practice is infinitely better than crafting the perfect statement. 

  3. Crafting a purpose statement from the cuttings of other statements is more effective than beginning with a blank page.

500 Whys is a collection of purpose statements. To help others more easily craft their own.


Ju’wasi Hunting Story


Three Beliefs about Purpose