
Feathermap is a tiny experiment in how I might use visual design to make idea exploration more enticing.

I want to explore whether there is a site structure that would better fold into my own thinking, research and curiosity-seeking.

Is there a format of this website that would encourage flow for me and be more curiosity-generating to readers?

In Feathermap, I use an SVG exported from Figma as an interactive map as inspired by Tom Critchlow.

Feathermap An experiment in visual exploration of ideas and questions What is Biophilia? Material Ecology Why Future at all? How might we frame this question? Where is Biophilia in the Hall of Possible Inventions? The Future of Design How might we explore Biophilic Futures? H o w m i g h t w e b u i l d a B i o p h i l i c F u t u r e ?

Favourite Problems


Material Ecology