Decarbonisation in one Number

We must end our dependence on carbon by 2050. This, to limit global warming to 1.5C above pre-Industrial levels.

In 2020 fossil fuels supplied 83% of the world's primary energy.

To get to zero from 83% in thirty years requires cutting 2.75% of global fossil carbon a year, every year.

We've not done that in a single year, let alone cumulatively. Since 2000, we've had an annual reduction of 0.2% from 87% fossil fuel contribution.

This means transitioning to Green sources at 14X faster than we managed in the past 20 years.

Not an optimistic outlook. Not without gargantuan global cooperation unseen in our 6,000 years of civilisation.

But if it's to be done - and surely it must - there lies untold opportunities here for invention, innovation and deployment.

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Sources & Inspiration


In Praise of Futurism


Where do we put the camera in the Permaweird?