AI Problem Statements

A problem statement is a tool to help guide your team toward building the right product. Defining AI problem statements well is important in pointing a path to a worthwhile AI product.

It’s easy to solve the wrong problems. Good design relentlessly questions assumptions, reframing the design problem to be solved. We know this, and yet, HOW to actually reframe a problem is missing from our conversations. - Stephen Anderson

AI problem statements fall into one of two traps.

  • Too broad to be meaningful, e.g. talking about value to users, adding intelligence, or automating X.

  • Too prescriptive so that we venture into the 'how to' territory.

It is quite an art to thread the line between open-ended yet focused without drifting toward excessively broad or overly prescriptive. It is an art worth practicing.

But first, some nuance. Stating that a problem is an AI problem is prescriptive in and of itself.

Nevertheless, here are some rules of thumb that I’ve found useful in avoiding bad problem statements when designing products that are likely to include AI.

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These pitfalls can confront any product. However, they are particularly prevalent in AI products. Interestingly, they appear especially jarring to seasoned product managers moving into AI for the first time. These pitfalls are taken from a more exhaustive list by Stephen Anderson.

I’ve updated that list with some AI-specific examples.

Avoiding these eight pitfalls should help you to navigate the path between broadness and prescription. They are worth remembering.

A final word of encouragement: many great products have shipped despite imperfect problem statements. If you find yourself agonising over very minor details in the wording of the problem statement, stop.

It is the product that will be evaluated, not the problem statement.

The problem statement is simply a tool to get you there.

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Sources & inspiration

Work with Me

For product managers, designers, executives and founders who are wrestling with the ambiguity of crafting compelling and focused AI problem statements, I offer occasional 1:1 consulting.

We’ll work together to quickly get you a selection of problem statements to bring back to your business.

If this can help you to quickly get unblocked, please leave your details below.


Dad-tactics before the birth


UX Design Teams and AI